Pony's beer


Ghent, Belgium

Who? Pony’s is a project of Olivier Jacobs from cocktail bar Jiggers in Oudburg (Ghent) and Ben Bruyneel from restaurant De Ganzerik, also in Ghent. Their house beer Pony’s originated from one of two house beers they had brewed for a pop-up café on Ghent’s Vrijdagmarkt.

Why us? We saw a lot of potential in the idea of a beer that was made for hanging out and talking to other people. A truly quaffable Belgian beer that is not too “Belgian” is something we’re always happy to work with.

Kristof and Joos’ favorite beer: “Pony’s, a 4% wheat session IPA. I call it a hoppy blonde, which might be a better description for the target audience.”

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